Saturday, April 25, 2009

How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone?

Today was a extremely nice day! +18,5 degrees was the temperature in our yard!!! I can´t believe that. Therfore I decieded to take a day off from my studies and enjoy of this wonderful day. So this is what I did today:

Today I spent the most amazing sunny day with my little sister. We had the best time while we were sitting in the sun,eating Ben&Jerries ice cream and talking.
Here she is with our lovely dog Eddie.

Isn´t she the cutest?

Yummy! Can you believe that half an hour after this photo was taken our family dog almost died!! Our dog Eddie was eating this pig nose thing and he almost chocke cause he swallowed a too large piece of it and it got stuck in his throught. So me and my little sister panicked because he started to breath really heavily. So quess what I had to do? I had to put my fingers in his throught and pull that slimy piece of pigs nose out of there. Sound nice huh?

Anyways after all the hard and exhausting lifesaving I met my friend Senni in Helsinki( also known as my travel buddy). We wen´t to Terrace to sit and talk while enjoying couple of drinks. We all ready started plan our feature trips. We are slowly going to start to save for our future trip to Aussi/New Zealand/Fidgi. This long trip will be happening in couple of years. But the saving is gonna start really soon! Europe is gonna be something that we are definitely gonna explore in between. After all that day dreaming and catching up we wen´t to movies. We saw this great film called The Boat that Rocked (Merirosvoradio). It's about a band of rogue DJs that captivated Britain, playing the music that defined a generation ( 60´s) and standing up to a government that, incomprehensibly, preferred jazz. I am making another post of this movie cause it was so great and also I wanna write about my love towards 60´s fantastic music.

Hope you all had a great day too



Anonymous said...

ihan mahtava keli. mä otin bikineillä aurinkoa :0 :DD ihana asu tuossa kuvassa sulla :)) muuten kanada ois kanssa aivan mahtava. rakastan luontoa. oon vaan miettiny että missäpäin siellä sijaitsee noita aivan mahtavan kirkkaita ja kauniita järviä?

K said...

mäkin otin tänään aurinkoa, tosin folion avulla :D

Anonymous said...

Ihana postaus! näitä lisää:)

äppelblom said...

Kuulosta ihanalta, paitsi toi koiran pelastaminen mutta onneks ei käynyt pahemmin!:)

Muuten sä vaikutat jotenkin niin symppikseltä ja iloselta! Ihanaa!:)

electric feel said...

looks like you and your sis had a wondeful day ;))
The weather here in Berlin is amazin too...we have about 25 degrees

erikas said...

hanna: Oho! Ihan bikineis uskalluit ottamaan arskaa:)Siis Kanadas toi luonto on kuulemma kanssa mielettömän hieno. Juttelin paljon uudes seelannis muiden reissaajien kaa ja kaikki jotka oli ollu Kanadassa sano että sinne kannattais ehdottomasti kanssa lähtee! Tollasii kirkkaan sinisii järvii löytyy ainaki Uudest-Seelannin etelä-saarelt ja Kanadasta:)

Kinja: Folion kaa otit aurinkoo? Mites se sellanen toimii? :)

anonyymi: Kiitos! Varmasti tämän tyyppisiä postauksia tulee paljon lisää ku enemmän alan taas viettämään aikaa ulkosalla:D

äppelblom: Haha:) Joo se koiran pelastaminen oli kyll jotain! Kiitos tosi paljon:) Mukava kuulla,että sellanen välittyy blogin kautta:)

electric feel: Yes we had heaps of fun:) Oh it´s that hot in Berlin already!! Oh man!!

stephanie said...

omgod about your dog!!!!

thank god he's ok.
You look amazing in the outfit at the bottom :) and i l o v e the top picture a lot! You guys really managed to captu! perfect!

and you're day with your sister sounds perfect. i cant eat ice im really jealous!

and btw- you and your sister look a lot alike!!!
