Thursday, December 25, 2008

Love is all around

Merry X-mas to everyone! Hope u all got some cool presents! I got set of dishes,films and that kind of normal stuff! But my absolutely favourite present was that my dad promised to pay my hotel for my trip to New York! Jippii! Next week me and my friend are going to buy the tickets!!

Here are some of my favourite love inspired photos from Le love blog and the last photos is of Blair & Chuck! Aren`t they pretty!

Love Erika


leflassh. said...

aww!! such lovely lovely photos.
merry xmas darling girl
and lucky you getting to go to NY!

BlueberryNight said...

Ah chuck oli tuossa jaksossa ah niin ihana<3 tai siis tuo koko jakso oli niin mahtava<3 varsinkin just se tuota edeltävä kohtaus kun blair meni huoneeseen ja chuck oli siellä :')

Hyvää joulua sinullekkin!! :)